Lavender (200ml)
Lavender is well-known for its soothing fragrance, which is often used in aromatherapy, homemade products, and gardening. These raw lavender flowers can be used for creating potpourri, homemade soaps, lotions, or simply placed in your garden to add a beautiful natural fragrance. Lavender is also commonly used to promote relaxation and reduce stress.
- Order in the next to get it by January 27, 2025
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Category: Home Made Spices
Lavender is well-known for its soothing fragrance, which is often used in aromatherapy, homemade products, and gardening. These raw lavender flowers can be used for creating potpourri, homemade soaps, lotions, or simply placed in your garden to add a beautiful natural fragrance. Lavender is also commonly used to promote relaxation and reduce stress.Additional Information
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Weight | 200 kg |
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